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PARLOUR Activity Report “Parlour in Action: 2021” is out! 

Monday, 16 May 2022


Parlour is celebrating its 10th year this week! In the last few years, Parlour achieved an enormous amount, including establishing several ongoing series – Deadly Djurumin, Parlour LAB, Light at the end of the Tunnel (to be resumed in mid-2022 under another name) and the Reading Room. The Parlour Salons (in person and online) also continue to be an integral part of its ongoing event program. The Parlour community is particularly notable for their high level of engagement. 


Several other important initiatives are underway in 2022, including the Stepping Up (equity in practice) editorial and event series and the Parlour Guides to Equitable Practice update. Parlour continues to support and collaborate with other aligned organisations and make a big impact with the available resources. 


A copy of the report is available here




Tuesday April 23, 2019


The AASA is pleased to announce our sponsorship to Parlour for the next 3 years (2019 – 2021). Parlour is a research-based advocacy organisation working to improve fender equity in architecture and the built environment professions. The Parlour website brings together research, informed opinion and resources on women, equity and architecture in Australia. It seeks to expand the spaces and opportunities available to women while also revealing the many women who already contribute in diverse ways.


Parlour advocates to generate debate and discussion. As researchers and scholars, Parlour provides detailed analysis and firm evidence based research for change. As women play an active role in Australian architecture, we think it is important for the AASA to support and engage with Parlour, with an aim to open up more opportunities for women architects and to broaden definitions of what architectural activity might be.

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