Tuesday August 6, 2019
The AASA has joined the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ASCA) as an International Affiliate Member!
The AASA is delighted to announce that an MOU has been signed between the Association and The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ASCA).
The signing of a MOU signifies a closer tie between Australia, New Zealand and U.S. as both organisations share common goals, including identifying, developing, and supporting quality professional undergraduate and graduate education of architects and related professions; research, scholarship, and creative work in relation to architecture and the designed environment; and policy, community service, and professional activities in relation to architectural education.
As an International Affiliate Member, the AASA will enjoy access to a range of activities and benefits with the ACSA, including promoting each others’ calls for submissions and calls for participation to faculty in their membership; inviting representatives from each organization to participate in conference sessions, webinars, and other public activities; identifying representatives from each organization to participate in peer review panels, journal editorial boards, and other bodies related to scholarship; considering opportunities for jointly organized activities (conferences, symposia, surveys, etc.) and/or jointly produced publications (reports, edited volumes, etc.); encouraging members’ participation in each other’s events and activities by offering a limited number of tickets at member rate to the other organization, to be decided on a case-by-case basis and many more.
Only members of the AASA can have access to ACSA’s International Affiliate Membership.
For general enquiries, please contact Dr Martha Liew, Martha.liew@aasa.org.au .
For more information regarding ACSA International Affiliate Membership and its range of benefits, please contact Danielle Dent, ACSA Membership, Marketing, and Publications Director, ddent@acsa-arch.org or (202) 785-2324 ext. 8.
Read more here.